Cabinet André R. Bertrand & Associés

Founded in 1997 the firm – which has 3 partners – is totally dedicated to intellectual property, information technology and unfair competition law.
What we do?
Our activities include advice, negotiation, litigation and arbitration in the fields of:
- ZIndustrial property (patents, designs, trademarks and unfair competition),
- ZCopyright and neighbouring rights (audiovisual, multimedia, entertainment law and the fashion industry), and
- ZInformation technology and computer law (hardware and software contracts, software and data protection, user/vendor and employee litigation, EDI, electronic signature, direct marketing, cyberlaw).
Our Contact
André Bertrand
André Bertrand is born 1952 in Marrakech, Morocco, he is married and has two daughters. Fluent in French, English and German, André holds an LL.M. from the University of Berkeley(Boalt Hall 1978) and two Ph.D’s from the University of Paris.
Publications on IT – Related subjects
André BERTRAND has published several books in the field of intellectual property and computer law. Most of these books and articles have been published in French, some of them have been published in and/or translated into English, Portugese and Arabic.
Among the books published by André Bertrand in French one can mention:
- Z“Le droit des marques” (“The law of Trademarks”) 2nd ed. Dalloz 2005, 523 p. (3rd édition is expected to be released in 2009)
- Z"Le droit de la musique de Bach à Internet” (“The law of Music from Bach to the Internet”) ed. Litec June 2002 200p.
- Z“Le droit à la vie privée et à l'image" ("The right to privacy and publicity in France") éd. Litec 1999 (translated into Spanish and published in Mexico 2001, - translated in Arabic for publication in Lebanon 2002).
- Z"Droit d'auteur et droits voisins" ("Copyrights and neighbouring rights") 2nd ed. Dalloz 1999, 951 p. (3rd revised edition to be published in 2009).
- Z“Le droit français de la concurrence déloyale" ("The French law on unfair competition") éd. CEDAT 1998, 184p.
- Z"La Mode et la loi" ("Fashion and the law") éd. CEDAT 1998, 256p.
- Z"Le droit de l'Internet" ("The law of Internet") éd. PUF 1999 QSJ ?
- Z"La propriété intellectuelle, Livre II : brevets, marques et dessins et modèles" ("Industrial property : patents, trademarks & designs") Masson 1995, 555p.
In English, André Bertrand has been a contributor to “European Computer Law”, a loose-leaf binder co-written with the other members of the IT LAW GROUP and One Bridge Street Irvington-on-Hudson NY 10533. Part I of this book contains chapters dealing with general matters that are relevant accross Europe. Part II contains 14 chapters describing the relevant law and practice in the field of computer law in the various European countries.
Thierry PIETTE-COUDOL, another parnter of the firm, has published several books on EDI and electronic signatures.
Special Focus
André Bertrand has started his career handling computer and software related matters, and in the last years he has been involved in more classical IP related issues in the fields of fashion, patents/trademarks and Music.
- FRANCE: 95 rue Jouffroy d'Abbans, 75017 Paris
- +33 1 53 30 78 90
- +33 1 53 30 78 99